
Unlock soil phosphorus

Phosta is a proprietary, soil-applied agent that works to protect newly applied phosphate from soil lock-up and to release fixed forms of phosphorus present in the soil.

Its novel mode of action also improves the bio-availability of other essential plant nutrients.

What does it do?

Applying Phosta to soil with adequate moisture significantly improves the availability of phosphorus by binding up calcium ions, making soil phosphate more readily available by preventing the calcium from reacting it.

It also releases trace elements such as copper and zinc, improving soil health and plant growth.

Phosphorus - Availability influenced by:

pH: Precipitated in most pHs very quickly

Moisture: Drier conditions reduce mobility and increase precipitation

Temperature: A change in soil temperature from 21°C to 13°C reduces the availability of phosphorus by 70%

phosphorus availabilty above 5.5ph to 7.5


  • Significantly improves P availability
  • Releases trace elements essential for plant growth e.g. copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum etc
  • Improves plant growth
  • Can be applied with pre-em residuals
  • Can be applied with a conventional crop sprayer – no need for extra costly equipment
  • Phosta can provide benefits to crops grown on any P index soils
  • Easily tank mixed and compatible with many other products
  • Application

    Crop Timing Phosta rate (l/ha) Water volume (l/ha)
    Winter cereals Pre-drilling to GS29 (end of tillering) Do not apply in frost or to cold soils. 2.0 150-200
    Spring cereals Pre-drilling to GS29 (end of tillering) Do not apply after soils begin to dry. 2.0 150-200
    Potatoes (at planting) Apply within the potato ridges. Low to medium calcareous soil types – 2.0 l/ha Apply without Silwet L-77. High calcareous soil situations – 4.0 l/ha Apply without Silwet L-77. 2.0-4.0 200-400
    Potatoes (over ridges) At planting to GS07 (beginning of stem formation) Apply to beds with Silwet L-77 at 0.05% v/v 4.0 200
    Oilseed rape  Pre-drilling to GS14 (4 leaves unfolded) 2.0 150-200
    Maize Pre-drilling to GS13 (3 leaves unfolded) 2.0 200
    Sugar beet Pre-drilling to GS14 (4 leaves unfolded) 4.0 200
    Leaf vegetables Pre-drilling to GS14 (4th true leaf unfolded) 4.0 200
    Root vegetables Pre-drilling to GS14 (4th true leaf unfolded) 4.0 200

    Appliaction advice

    Tank mix sequence: First

    Nozzle type: Medium/course or as dictated by partner pesticide

    Adjuvant choice: Speak to your local Agrovista agronomist.

    Application timing

    In order for Phosta to be most effective it must be present in the rooting zone crop. Therefore applications prior to drilling are advised where the drill promotes incorporation of Phosta in the seed zone.


    Variety Crop Seed type Untreated Phosta treated
    Cordiale  WW Deep loam 8.8b 9.5a
    Santiago WW Silt over chalk 10.5b 11.1a
    Cordiale WW Sandy loam over chalk 7.9a 8.4c
    Pearl W Barley Calcareous clay over limestone 7.3c 7.7a
    Westminster S Barley Coarse loam over sand 5.9a 6.2a
    Odessy S Barley Sandy loam over chalk 6.4a 6.8b
    Kentaurus Maize Silty loam over clay 3.9d* 5.7b*
    Beacon Maize Course loam over sandstone 10.3b* 13.6a*
    Avatar WOSR Loamy clay over clay 4.0d 4.3bcd
    Quartz WOSR Fine loam over clay 3.8d 4.2c
    Russett Burbank Potatoes Sandy loam over chalk 58.7e 67.7bc
    Russett Burbank Potatoes Sandy loam over chalk 57.8f 70.8ab

    *Dry matter